Event Organiser Docs is primarily intended for users, however it also contains references and code snippets appropriate for developers. The guides range from setting up and using the plug-in, to customising how events appear on your site, and integrating with your theme.
Features in the free version
For the user
- Create one-time events or reoccuring events.
- Allows complex reoccuring patterns for events. You can create events that last an arbirtary time, and repeat over a specified period. Supports complex schedules such as On the third Tuesday of every fourth month or Every month on the 16th.
- Ability to add or remove specific dates to an event
- Event functions available which extend the post functions (e.g. the_title(),get_the_author(), the_author()) to ouput or return event data (the start date-time, the venue etc).
- Create venues for your events, with Google maps support and a fully-featured content editor.
- Widgets:
- Calendar widget – displays a calendar (identical to the standard WordPress Calendar)
- Event List widget – displays a list of events, with options to specify the number of events, restrict by categories or venues etc.
- Event Agenda widget
- Shortcodes:
- (full)Calendar, includes optional category & venue filters.
- Calendar (similar to widget calendar)
- Event List (similar to Event List widget)
- Event Agenda (similar to Event Agenda widget)
- Venue map
- Subscribe to event feeds
- Year, month and day archive pages
- Relative date queries (for example, query events that finished in the last 24 hours, or events starting in the coming week).
- Assign events to categories and tags, and view events by category or tag.
- Color-coded event categories.
- Custom permissions allow to specifiy which roles have the ability to create, edit and delete events or manage venues.
- Export/import events to and from ICAL files.
- Public events feed: allow visitors to subscribe to your events, or a particular venue / category.
- Supports ‘pretty permalinks’ for event pages, event archives, event category and venue pages.
For the developer
- Usese post types to fit naturally into WordPress and allows for all the functionality of ‘posts’.
- Respects the template hierarchy. Default templates can be over-ridden by including the appropriately named template files in your theme folder.
- Plug-in actions and filters are provided to modify the behaviour of the plug-in (see hook reference )
- Extensive function API & documentation
- Javascript actions and filters to modify interaction with the calendars and maps
- Provide custom templates for shortcodes, widgets and iCal feeds
- Custom metaboxes and meta data support for venues (see tutorial).
- Minified javascript files are used, with the originals provided for ease of developing
- Booking add-on available
Pro Features
For a more detailed summary of features of Pro see this page or browse the documentation.
- Event search
- Event bookings & RSVP
- Custom booking forms
- Download bookings (and booking form entries) to CSV
- Advanced event & venue queries
- Meta data support for venues and venue meta-queries.
- Featured images for venues
- Customisable e-mails
Various extensions (free and paid) are available, and some are included free when you purchase a Event Organiser Pro Business a licenses. All extensions are included for free when you purchase a Pro Developer license.
You can view a demo of the plug-in here: wp-event-organiser.com/demo/
You can download Event Organiser for free from the WordPress repository. Pro and other extensions can be downloaded from wp-event-organiser.com/extensions/.