Below are list of common questions when it comes to editing the templates.

Event page

The event details appear above the event content, how can I make it appear below?

  1. Make a copy of your single.php, and name it single-event.php. If you view an event page it should now look like a ‘normal’ post (with no event details).
  2. Add <?php eo_get_template_part('event-meta','event-single'); ?> to your new single-event.php at the point on the page where you wish to display the event details.
  3. If you wish to, remove any details you don’t want displayed on the event page.

How do I change the format of the dates displayed according to whether the event is a ‘long’ event?

By default the end is not displayed. In some instances, (particularly ‘long events’ – events where each occurrence spans multiple days) it may be desirable to include the end date. This snippet demonstrates how to do that:

    if( eo_get_the_start( 'Y-m-d' ) != eo_get_the_end( 'Y-m-d' ) ){
         //"Long" event
          echo  eo_get_the_start( 'jS F Y' ) . ' - ' . eo_get_the_end( 'jS F Y' );
         //One day event
          echo  eo_get_the_start( 'jS F Y' );

Events, Category, Tag and Venue pages

These pages don’t work with well with my theme, how do I go about fixing this?

  1. Identify a template in your theme, which you think would work best to serve your events pages. This is an entirely aesthetic choice.
  2. Make a copy of that template in your theme with the name:
    • archive-event.php – for the events pages
    • taxonomy-event-category.php – for the category pages
    • taxonomy-event-venue.php – for the venue pages
    • taxonomy-event-tag.php – for the tag pages
  3. Identify where in that template you wish to display some event details, and add the following:

    //Format date/time according to whether its an all day event.
    $format = ( eo_is_all_day() ? 'd F Y' : 'd F Y '.get_option('time_format') );
    //Display the date
    //Display event meta list
    echo eo_get_event_meta_list(); 

You may also wish to remove other details you don’t need.

How do I remove the sidebar?

If you haven’t arealdy, first copy the following templates into your theme:
archive-event.php – for the events pages
taxonomy-event-category.php – for the category pages
taxonomy-event-venue.php – for the venue pages
taxonomy-event-tag.php – for the tag pages

and edit them to remove the call to get_sidebar() at the bottom of the template file.

How do I edit the event details that appear?

The default templates use eo_get_event_meta_list() to display a brief summary of event details (e.g. categories, tags, venues etc). This is defined in includes/event-organiser-event-functions.php. If you wish to edit it you can use the filter eventorganiser_event_meta_list (see codex for details on the eventorganiser_event_meta_list filter).

However, it is probably simplier to replace the call to that function with the details of the event you wish to display.