To displays a Google map of a venues:
[eo_venue_map venue="my-venue-slug"]

An example of a venue map with tooltip (and custom icon via custom venue markers)
- venue
- the venue slug (must be a string). If this attribute is omitted, the venue of the current post is used. You may pass several venues as a comma delimited list. You can use %all% display all venues.
- class
- String. Class or classes to be assigned to the map. The class must have a specified height or width (in your style.php folder in your subdirectory). Alternatively, do not use this attribute and specify a height and width with the appropriate attribute.
- height
- String. Specify the height attribute of the map. This must include the unit. E.g. ‘300px’ or ‘5em’.
- width
- String. Specify the width attribute of the map. This must include the unit. E.g. ‘300px’ or ‘5em’.
- zoom
- Int. Specify a zoom level. Default 15.
- zoomcontrol
- String. True or false. Default true. Whether to allow zoom control on the map.
- rotatecontrol
- String. True or false. Default true. Whether to allow rotate control on the map.
- pancontrol
- String. True or false. Default true. Whether to allow pan control on the map.
- overviewmapcontrol
- String. True or false. Default true.
- streetviewcontrol
- String. True or false. Default true. Whether to allow users to switch to street view.
- maptypecontrol
- String. True or false. Default true. Whether to allow users to switch between map types.
- draggable
- String. True or false. Default true. Whether to allow the map to be dragged.
- maptypeid
- String. The map type. One of HYBRID, ROADMAP, SATELLITE, TERRAIN. A lot of these options are explained on the Google maps page:
Display the map of venue ‘foobar’ with height and width 300px.
[eo_venue_map venue="foobar" height="300px" width="300px"]
Display the map of venue ‘foobar’ with classes ‘my-map’ and ‘foobar-map’
[eo_venue_map venue="foobar" class="my-map foobar-map"]
Display multiple locations (map will be automatically zoom to fit):
[eo_venue_map venue="london-eye,edinburgh-castle" tooltip=true]
Display a map in which tootips are turned off and the zoom cannot be changed:
[eo_venue_map venue="london-eye,edinburgh-castle" zoomcontrol=false tooltip="false"]