Changing the “thank you” message

After a user successfully places a booking (and if appropriate, made payment) they are redirected back to the event page where a “thank you” message is displayed.

This message differs slightly depending on the gateway used, or whether the booking was free or not. For example

Thank you for your booking. You shall receive an e-mail containing your tickets shortly. PayPal gateway

Thank you for your booking. You shall receive an e-mail containing your tickets once we have confirmed payment. Offline gateway

Thank you for registering. Free bookings

Changing the “thank you” booking message

You can change each of these message, by using the filters


where {gateway} should be replaced by the string identifier of the gateway for whose message you want to change (e.g. paypal, stripe, free, offline, etc).

Bookings which are free should be considered to have gone through the free gatewy.

Here’s an example changing the offline payment message:

function myprefix_set_offline_booking_message(){
    return '... new message ...';
add_filter( 'eventorganiser_pro_get_option_booking_complete_message_offline', 'myprefix_set_offline_booking_message' );

The above code-snippet should ideally live in a dedicated plug-in (See this post for an explanation why), but will also work in your theme’s functions.php.