
Events are ‘post types’ of type ‘event’. This means you can use the usual WP_Query or get_posts() to query events. There are two things to remember when using them:

  • You must set post_type to event.
  • When using get_posts() you must set suppress_filters to false

You can also use eo_get_events(). This function is identical to get_posts() – and both accept the same arguments as WP_Query. In short you can use any one of those three methods and they all accept the ‘usual’ parameters, as well additional event-specific queries listed below.

eo_get_events() uses different default values (detailed here) and is the recommended method to use. Additional parametres include:

Date queries

Date query arguments (except showpastevents) expect dates in Y-m-d format (e.g. 2013-12-24 ) or relative date format

  • event_start_before – default: null Events that start before the given date
  • event_end_before – default: null Events that end before the given date
  • event_start_after – default: null Events that start after the given date
  • event_end_after – default: null. Events that end after the given date.
  • ondate – Events that start on this specific date

  • showpastevents – default is true (it’s recommended to use event_start_after=today or event_end_after=today instead)

Category / Tag / Venue queries

  • event-category – the slug of an event category. Get events for this category
  • event-venue – the slug of an event venue. Get events for this venue
  • event-tag – the slug of an event tag. Get events for this tag
  • venue_query – get events with venues matching this venue query (see Querying Venues and Getting Events via Venue Queries).

Bookee queries

  • bookee_id – (int) ID of user to retrieve events for which the user is attending

Ordering events

Additional values are also permitted for ‘orderby’ parameter


     $events = eo_get_events(array(
          'showpastevents'=>true,//Will be deprecated, but set it to true to play it safe.

          echo '<ul>';
          foreach ($events as $event):
               //Check if all day, set format accordingly
               $format = ( eo_is_all_day($event->ID) ? get_option('date_format') : get_option('date_format').' '.get_option('time_format') );
                    '<li><a href="%s"> %s </a> on %s </li>',
                    eo_get_the_start($format, $event->ID,null,$event->occurrence_id)
          echo '</ul>';